Skills Development

Skills for Learning, Life and Work – Education Scotland Guidance

“The development of skills is essential to learning and education to help young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.” Read more


Curriculum for Excellence is designed to provide all children and young people with opportunities for developing:


Skills for Learning  •  Skills for Life  •  Skills for Work


There are various definitions of ‘skills’. Broadly, a skill might be usefully defined as an activity that a learner undertakes, can do again, can apply to different circumstances and can improve over time.

Key skills open the door to children’s progress; thinking skills show progression in cognitive development; personal skills include softer skills such as relationship-building as well as employability skills. These are skills that feature in Curriculum for Excellence learning and in wider achievement activities.


Skills in a Nutshell


Skills Development in Aberdeenshire Schools

Skills for Learning, Life and Work – Guidance for Schools can be found here.


Skills Investment Plans

Working with employers and industry leadership groups, SDS has produced Skills Investment Plans.  The plans focus on key issues for Scotland’s growth industries and provides information about what is being done to help. Click here to find out more.


Learn Interview Skills

Click here to find advice on developing interview skills and building your