Aberdeenshire Council as an Employer

In this section you will find information on careers, jobs and apprenticeship opportunities with Aberdeenshire Council, as well as information on our school engagement activities.


Careers Information Area02

Careers – If you are interested in finding out about the wide variety of careers that we have on offer, please follow this link.

Apprenticeships – If you are wanting to find out more about apprenticeship opportunities with Aberdeenshire Council, please follow this link.

Jobs – If you are looking for a job, please follow this link to our current vacancies.

WorkPlus – Get Experience, Get Paid, Get into Work – WorkPlus is an employability programme, designed to give you the skills and experience you need to find a job. Click here to find out more.


Aberdeenshire Council have launched The Apprentice Blog to give young people an insight as to what it is like to work for the Council. The blog includes a variety of things, such as current job vacancies, insights to the wide range of apprenticeships Aberdeenshire Council offer as well as exclusive interviews with past and present apprentices. Read more


School Engagement Activities

We can deliver interactive careers workshops on working for Aberdeenshire Council. We cater for ages from P5 upwards. Each workshop is tailored to the needs of your school, ensuring that each session links back to the curriculum.

If you are interested in finding out more about a workshop, or if you would like to boomarketplacek a session, please contact the Recruitment Team at the below details.



Contact Info

Email: recruitmentadvice@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

Phone number: 01467 534400